0208 242 1597
Business Hours
MON. 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
TUE. 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
WED. 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
THU. 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
FRI. 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Four New Universities
We have at The WDA established 4 new universities this month all sponsored by Elizabeth ‘Lindka’ Kohl and opened up the areas of import of produce to include a chain of supermarkets and mini markets all over Africa and fully expanded our manufacturing base of the export of airplane parts to the western world. Please keep the donations rolling in not only to raise much needed funds but awareness of the continuing development in Africa and other developing countries.
To work closely with Project4Africa in relief agency work in regions throughout Africa.
20 January 2013
Embark on journey to Africa. 1 year project.
Knit for Peace
We need knitted squares for blankets for the young and needy of Africa. Africa being a subsaharan with desert temperatures of hot days and very cold nights we require knitted squares of 4cm by 4cm. I ask those interested in this website to also look at the website which is also based on the cooperative modus operandi and which is a vision we share here at the WDA.
This is a project we wish to continue politics permitting. In signing up for the holiday of a lifetime with the muscles to show for it, the solidaritie and communal spirit with a shared meal and glass of wine at the end of the working day ensues the grapes of wrath are but a pithy affair and that we see your shared chalice on our supermarket shelves anyday soon.
Gift Aid
Your unwavering support in the last round of fundraising garnered 30 million pounds which has gone to much needed causes such as clothing and medical equipment and enabled the African people to live a richer more fuller life with the aid given to them through new media and technology and also in much needed areas of the food and produce domain. Please keep your donations running as we have many African nations to support and then to continue further work in many developing countries around the world.
Produce donations
To further maximise potential in our export of produce to Africa the next time you are at the supermarket donate one apple,perhaps a banana, orange or potato or even a cauliflower where our bagger uppers will be on hand to send your baskets of generosity straight to africa via air in a three day turnaround sometimes two with our team of professionals, volunteers and soldiers.
Free the debt t-shirt
Buy our free the debt t shirt for 12.99